"Elopement" and Autism

It's not a happy new year for the family  of an autistic boy in Allentown. This little boy wandered off during a family party on New Years Eve. Jayliel Batista is 5 and he's autistic and nonverbal. He's alone and has no coat, socks or shoes. He likes lullabies and water. 
My heart froze when I heard he was missing but really cracked when I heard he likes water. 
This happened with Grace two years ago. She likes water. She made her way out of our rental property at the beach. 
She took all her favorite things and made her way to the public fountains which are her favorite things. We were lucky. We live in a neighborhood which is pretty much contained and she was only gone for a few minutes and security found her right away. 
We learned then that it is called "Elopement" and that a high percentage of autistic children are prone to do it. 
"Elopement" is such a nice word. It makes you think of kids in love running off together-not small children who can't speak wandering unknowingly away from all they love --
and those who love them. 
I can't sleep. If I was home, I'd be up or out trying to help in some way. 
So I pray here. For a little lost boy and his family- that boy who could have been My daughter, but for the Grace of God. 
Please pray with me.

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