Hershey Feeding Clinic

Today was the start of week 2 at the Hershey Feeding Clinic. Gracie has been doing really well. As I go to write this and say she really is behaving well, she tossed a plate on the floor- so no more on that subject. 
Each day consists of 10 10-minute chewing sessions, followed by 20 minutes of down time where we try to do some work or get some energy out. 
There is a "lounge" area where we can chill but there are no windows and no places nearby for physical activity. 
It's a five day work week for us with 3 hours commute time. I chose to commute rather than stay at Ronald McDonald house nearby because Grace can be a flight risk. 
So while the other kids enjoy their summer, Grace gets to work. Doesn't seem fair. But she will get through it. Today she is chewing pieces of CHOCOLATE OREO COOKIES! Woot woot!

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