The Cupcake Crusader!

 The Cupcake Crusader struck again! Bringing sweet treats to helpless children who Mrs. Obama would deny the pleasures of a simple classroom party. How can you have a party with celery and carrots!? 
They said sweets were allowed so I jumped in right away! Then they said the treats should packaged individually in case the child did not want to eat theirs right away. So... bought bags at the dollar store and candy toppings 70% off at Michaels and dipped them in sugar so they wouldn't stick to the bags! The whole process of putting them upright in the bags took longer than baking them AND frosting them did!
So I have taken it upon myself to bring sweets into schools. I'd have a cupcake sale if I could!  
I told my niece Savannah that if I got arrested I would call her!
You never know! The year isn't over yet!

1 comment:

Susan said...

You are amazing!!!! Love it!