It started off like a good day.
Chris and Joy said we were going to go to the zoo . Usually I her ignored when I ask to go to the zoo but it was a perfect day for it. So we packed up and went.
Well, I guess everyone in Philly decided it was a perfect day for the zoo because as we got there they closed the parking garage!!( seriously who goes to the zoo in October?) We looked for a parking spot to no avail. So what now?
Go to Ikea( Joy LOVES IKEA!) Go home?Go to Peddlers Village's Carousel? I got an inspiration about a museum we never got to- The a Please Touch Museum-do I google it and it's a mile away! How convenient ! So we find it and there's a lot of people but it's not overly crowded.
It started off well.
Then we went downstairs. Evidently Grace doesn't like downstairs- anywhere. Well, I tried what Grace's feeding therapist, Marcel, does- she makes her look her in the eye and says "trust me"- and it worked. She went downstairs and checked it out. Then something spooked her and she started to balk so I told her to tell me no- and we went upstairs where she played on the water section.
Chris and Joy checked put what we missed downstairs and came up. We started to go across the huge foyer to the exhibits on the other side, but Grace would have no part of it. I tried to get her to sit at one of the tables to eat but she threw off her shoes and tantrumed in the huge main entrance area. (Autism- YAY!)
Chris finally had to pick her up and put her down at the table.
So what set her off? I wish I knew . There were models of vehicles and one was a bus- so that was probably it. But she was able to walk through lobby to exit without a problem. Go figure.
Then Chris wasn't happy because I didn't feel like stopping somwhere to eat.
I thought I had a good change of game plan and we ended up wasting $$.
I guess I was getting used to her being so good everywhere we went. Such is the roller coaster ride of living with autism.
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