a Good week?

We had two good therapy days this week and our OT Tricia even thought we had a breakthrough on wednesday. Tuesday the summer kids went to the park and we tagged along with them. Gracie liked being outside but wasn't sure about being in a new place, but she and her new friend, David, went on a walk and Gracie didn't even tire out on the way back to the picnic table. ( Of course, she was on her way back the way we
came, which to her means going home!)
Joy Lin did really well helping with the other kids. She is a social being, so her being around the other kids helps them to model interaction with their peers.
Wednesday Tricia was excited that Gracie allowed her to touch her face and do a deep facial massage of sorts. Then she did the same thing to my face on her own, with both of her hands!
And tonite, when we were having dinner, she bathed herself in Nutella and oreo crumbs;let me lick the crumbs off her fingers and Licked her hand, which was covered in it, TWICE!!!

From Lilo and Stitch-
"This is my family. I found it all on my own. It is small and it is broken... but still good. Yeah. Still good"

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