Interesting dinner

Gracie hasn't been feeling well all week. But we sat her down with us at dinner and I gave her colored marshmallows, oreo crumbs and teddy grahams to play with. She plunged into the oreo crumbs right away and she liked the sponginess of the marshmallows once I introduced them to her. She wasn't arfraid to get the crumbs on her. She ignored the teddy grahams. However...Chris cant stand the messiness of it all. It makes him nuts. To me all it is is some crumbs. To him, it's a tsunami. He feels it's time for her to move along. (Carey Anne, if you are reading this, my husband is like you) He smeared some crumbs across her mouth, not just a couple, pretty much, for Gracie. She did not like this. She looked like she got sand in her mouth and she looked to me to wipe her off. I am in line with Trisch's school of thought which is more like little little bits at a time. Then he did it again and she really wanted to get away from him. It is so interested to watch her progress.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Messiness is the hallmark of learning. She is rolling nicely into the next stage of feeding success. Our jaws dropped several times at the spontaneous acceptance and management of food.
Soon or even now....lets enjoy her and ease off the focus on food. Have time as a family that doesn't even seem like therapy. If dad can handle the mess let's sit down for a old fashioned family get together and gracie will be right in the middle of it.