So, what is a BRONY?
A brony is a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that is outside the target demographic of little girls. Most bronies are friendly teenagers and young adults that simply aren't afraid to admit to enjoying a show that is innocent, colorful, and funny.
We went to BronyCon this past weekend. Yes, Joy is a brony. There were around 8000 Bronies in Baltimore this weekend too. All ages, guys and girls.
It's like any other fandom: The Avengers, The Walking Dead, Star Trek, Star Wars. They watch it for the characters and the plot. They get together to talk about what they like. There were a lot of artists and video makers and music makers and that is what Joy is all about right now.
This year, however, I noticed something that I missed last year.
There were a lot of BRONIES on the AUTISM SPECTRUM.
and though I've never been to COMIC CON, I am pretty sure I would see a lot of the same there.
When you live with autism everyday, you learn to see the signs that someone else might not notice, or relate to autism.
But the thing that impressed me most is that these kids, autism or not, were out there together, enjoying themselves, regardless of what anyone else thought of them.
There was one boy at a concert (yes, Bronies have concerts too)
he was weaving in among the crowd sideways without touching anyone. ( Autism, yes?) A lot of them kept to themselves but were still out there with all the other Bronies. For an autistic person, this is a big feat. The shows are well written and funny and they all have a message about friendship- and the characters are great! SO Is it bad if people outside of the targeted demographic like the show?
If we go again next year, I am going to do a study or at least question the Brony psychologist( yes, there is a brony psychologist) . Love and Tolerate is the Brony motto. They are very supportive of each other too. So I am glad to be a brony mom for as long as her interest continues. Who knows , Joy may end up as a creator for a Generation 6 or 7 animated series!
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