Today Gracie's Aunt Susan and Rachel Gray came up to visit. The Gray's adopted Rachel when we got Joy Lin and we have all been BFF"S ever since. Being that they don't get to see her that often, they were amazed at how much Gracie has changed. There were several new twists that I wanted to document today before I forgot.
Cognitive Development: Gracie has a habit of breaking through the baby gate that is supposed to keep her out of the front of the house. She goes into the dining room and stands on the table and bats at the hanging lamps like they are a mobile. NOT TODAY: Aunt Susan watched her break into the front rooms but we watched her the whole time and told her NO> The hands went behind the back, the eyes went up to the ceiling and the classic " I didn't do ANYTHING" rolled across her face. It was truly classic.
#2-Chris took Gracie up to the swing and she gave him the sign for "more" WITHOUT BEING PROMPTED!!! Yippee!!!
#3- Later we were all too tired to go up to the swing with Gracie the last time she wandered up so her dog, Tasha, followed her faithfully. She waited as Gracie made her way slowly up the hill to the swing. Each time we take Gracie to the swing we throw the frisbee for Tasha. On her way to the swing< Gracie found one of Tasha's frisbees and actually gave it to her!!! She knew what to do with the frisbee even though she didn't know how to throw it!
Sometimes we don't appreciate all the little things that happen in the course of a regular day.
Tomorrow should be fun! Miss Carey Anne is coming to dinner!! I am sure that will be exciting.
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