Autism. Yay. Again.

Today we reached a new level of "Autism. Yay". I would post a picture but I feel it may be offensive to some- so I will post this shocked-anime-face instead.

Grace had really bad belly pain this morning from constipation. Really bad-- crying- hitting herself bad . So I kept her home. Some gas drops provided some relief but this went on all day in spurts. 
Later in the afternoon she went upstairs and declothed herself so I told her to put on a shirt and underwear. She put on a shirt and a diaper. We only use diapers at night but she tries to get away with it sometimes when she's not feeling good. 
Anyway, I made her put on underwear.
Then after Joy came home, I found....pee in the dog's water bowl...

I guess I made her mad and she told me so...

This was me after...

Actually it was more like this...
To add insult to injury- we had to administer a suppository in order to give her some relief. Needless to say - by bedtime she didn't want to see Chris ( who gave it to her) or me! Poor Gracie. 

Don't know what else to say. Those faces  just say it. 
Autism. Yay.